Monday, May 07, 2007


God will sometimes put people in your life to challenge you in action, word and thought. These people are more than mere friends...more like coaches, that won't allow you to stay in a comfortable place. God gave me this poem for an event called "Let the Women Speak" presented by CTS productions. So here goes...

Deep seated self hatred
made common by time
giving up on life
wanting never to rewind
the day of your birth
letting low self esteem
poison your worth
wanting desperately to depart this earth
unable to stomach the continual hurt
of not being the woman
you think you should be.

You take matters into your hands
starving to lose one more pound
sticking two fingers down your throat
hoping not make a sound
struggling to conform to a
mold shaped by man
that was never God's plan.

Misjudging your beauty
allowing men to affirm your identity
smaller women to confirm your inadequacy
you construct a prison called insecurity
hiding your bruises and scrapes
allowing rejection to have her perfect way
ever hearing God say you are beautifully
and wonderfully made
but never believing, never receiving
what He said.

See, I know very well your pain
all about the inner strain
that seems to bind you,
seems to blind you...
listening to the lies the enemy tells you
being called everything but your name
thinking that they are one in the same.

But, I've come to show you the way out
realize you were created for a purpose
with a purpose
and on purpose
you are not a mistake.

So what if you have a 2 in front of your size
instead of a 1
you are simply double the prize
for some lucky woman's son
second to none.

Live life happy and free
becoming the jewel that you
are destined to be.
For you a woman, beautifully
a beautiful woman
you are to me.

Thanks Tiffany for pushing me to do things that are seemingly "not me" but somehow "are"....
Con amor siempre.

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