Friday, May 11, 2007

One Thursday

In a trance, I sit and stare into space
longing for your touch
still feeling the warmth of your sweet embrace
left over from Thursday
So underserving
but yet you breathed on us
changed us
kissed us
renamed us.
I can still feel you
as if it was yester minute
Your presence...
I am ever desperate for it.
In you I live, I move, I breathe
I hear, I speak, I sing
I stand in awe of your very being.
What is living if it is not in you
What is life worth without knowing you
Intimacy with you is indescribable
incomparable with any other feeling
spine tingling even
I am speechless...
Humbly seeking your face
desperately needing your grace
slowing my anxious pace
effortly trying not to waste
any more days
running a race
that you are have not called me to run.
You have heightened my sensitivity
challenged my mediocrity
confirmed my peculiarity
Thank You for that Thursday
the tenth day, the month of May.

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