Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ha Ha Death

Eyes reddened by sadness
but with a heart full of gladness
I rest in the peace that
I will see you again
dressed in your best
standing in the face of My King
Now your King too
Ha Ha death we have cheated you
Though I feel the pain of your leaving
I rest assure that upon my arrival
we shall be once more introduced
I love you Grandpa
and I will carry your memory forever

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Speech 101

Be careful what you say to your children
for you know not what power your tongue has.
Speak death into your child and they will surely die
Speak lies into your child and they will surely lie
Never underestimate the little nothings you say
For it is your child that will play
those very words in their mind 100 times a day
No big deal you say, I didn't mean what I said
No big deal is what they will hear in their head
when trying to figure out why they want to be dead.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue
or at least that's what the Word said
Maybe that's why so many lay in Mental Hospital beds.
Get it together people let the Holy Spirit be your co-parent
Don't let your children grow up with unforgiving bents
that leave them in a tailspin...


When a child scrapes his or her knee
the parents first instinct is to apply some type of healing cream and seal it
with a Johnson and Johnson Band-Aid
In a short whileclose examination reveals a once
terrible abrasion
now healed completely with little evidence
that it even happened
My question is what happens
when the scrape is not so visible
but rather invisible
a scrape that has slashed the very fabric
that makes you who you are?
What happens when the band-aid applied
falls off
only to reveal the blood is still fresh, the cut deeper than before,
and pain made common by time.
Where are you Johnson and Johnson
your "band-aid", your "cream" didn't do it's job...
My cuts are exposed and effecting my everyday life
What do you, Johnson & Johnson, propose?
Silence, I fear, is what I hear
My band-aid was merely a locked door to a dirty closet
hiding the scrapes that seemingly define me.
Seemingly bind me...But No More
I thank God for the Man that He brought to me one who happened to be a doctor
who saw my wounds and read my history
and He healed me...not with Johnson and Johnson band-aids or Neosporin cream
but by casting out the enemy
performing spiritual surgery
on the inner me.
When I was child I spake as a child and I did
childish things, but now that I am a woman, I put away those childish things, and begin to be the woman God has called me to be.
And even though it seems sometimes that I am recovering slowly
I know at the end of this healing journey
there will be little evidence
of the scrapes that tried to kill me.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Table for One

As a leader, one can feel so alone
seemingly surrounded by multitudes but in actually
left sitting alone at the dinner table. Is something wrong, No.
It's just that what God wants to do through me
he can't have everyone else speaking at the same time.
There are some things I don't need to hear right now. I just need
to hear Him. My mentor said to me something so powerful
that I decided to share it:

I walk with many
but I walk with one
- Thanks Shawnie!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Love

I wait for you my love
I long to hear your voice
I wait for you my love
I have no other choice

I dream of you often my love
I try my hardest not to wake
Please come soon my love
How much more shall I take

They told me you were coming my love
Did they lie to me again
Tell me the honest truth my love
When will the waiting end

I long for you to hold me my love
The loneliness is hard to bear
I need you here with me my love
My love for you I must share

Monday, February 27, 2006


For years we have been taught that the real meat of the song is the words. "It's not how it sounds, but what they are saying," they would say. I beg to differ. Forget about the words. Listen to the music. Music is like flowing water that moves you from place to place. The words are mere noise, pages of someone else's book. "Shh", I say, "I am trying to write my own story." Suddenly, the music begins to talk to me, telling me of my pain, going deeper and deeper with no remorse - Therapy for lack of a better word.


Low Self-Esteem is like poison
that's eats away at the lining of your self-concept
soon all that is left is a tattered self-image fit for nothing
Then the question becomes, "How can I love another if I can't love me?"
and just like that, even possibilities
become fading fantasies.

- ashe

Mr. Possibilty

I haven't posted anything in a while. My apologies to you all. Life just gets so busy sometimes. I need to really practice coming up for air more often. My mind has been writing constantly, but my pen hasn't caught up just yet, but hopefully that will change. Right now I feel like I am sitting down at a piano, getting ready to play the song of my thoughts. Hold on let me find my key. My first key is...

"Mr. Possibility"

It's been a while since a beau has caught my eye
and actually think about the possibilty of a
You and I.
I met you on a Tuesday not knowing
that by the next, next Thursday
I'd be inwardly smiling
Don't get your hopes up Mr. Possiblity
All we've said is Hello
but maybe, just maybe
there will be more