Monday, February 27, 2006

Mr. Possibilty

I haven't posted anything in a while. My apologies to you all. Life just gets so busy sometimes. I need to really practice coming up for air more often. My mind has been writing constantly, but my pen hasn't caught up just yet, but hopefully that will change. Right now I feel like I am sitting down at a piano, getting ready to play the song of my thoughts. Hold on let me find my key. My first key is...

"Mr. Possibility"

It's been a while since a beau has caught my eye
and actually think about the possibilty of a
You and I.
I met you on a Tuesday not knowing
that by the next, next Thursday
I'd be inwardly smiling
Don't get your hopes up Mr. Possiblity
All we've said is Hello
but maybe, just maybe
there will be more

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